We hire our donkeys for your hikes and as bee-keepers we invite you to spend a day exploring nature 50 kilometres from Toulouse out in the countryside. We have four tourism quality labels "Bienvenue à la Ferme", ''Ferme Découverte'', ''Ferme Pédagogique'' and ''Goûter à la Ferme' programs'.
Located on the slopes of the Volvestre in Rieux (50 km from Toulouse), our friends the donkeys are available for going hiking with you on marked trails. Also bee-keepers we offer honey tasting in our shop. In the framework of the “Bienvenue à la Ferme" programme we have group tours as one of the “Ferme Découverte" (discovery farms), "Ferme Pédagogique" (teaching farm) and we offer a "Goûter à la Ferme" (farm snack). Contact us for our rates.

Base rate
35,00 € to 50,00
Age-related reduction : ans
Balade à dos d'âne de 1H à 3h